Thursday, May 8, 2014

infinite stratos 2 BD and DVD vol.6 sales updates

infinite stratos 2 BD and DVD vol.6 sales updates week 2

the new updated for the IS2 BD vol.6 sales for this week (april,28 until may,4)are the BD sales are 1.281 copies of BD with total acumulative with last week are 10.891 copies of BD for infinite stratos vol.6
and for the DVD sales for april,28 until may,4 are 451 copies of DVD with total acumulative with last week are 2.722 copies of DVD has been saled for the information the IS2 BD and DVD price for vol.6 are 7.300 yen for the BD and 6.300 for the DVD
the next volume for the BD an d DVD (vol.7) will be released in may,28 and will be the last volume for the IS2 .......T.T

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